Type an optional descriptive name for the STR# resource here. If the string is being added to an already existing STR# and you provide a name here, the name of the resource will be changed to the name here. Type the string that you want to turn into a STR# resource here. You can use up to 255 characters. The stack name in this field shows where the new or existing STR # resource will be stored. Change the name by clicking the Choose File button. Click here to select a file in which the STR# resource is to be placed or in which a STR# resource can be found to add the string to. The number (between 1 and 32000) provided here identifies the ID of the new resource to be created or the resource to which the string is to be added. After filling in the fields above, click here to create a STR# resource or to add a string to an already existing STR# resource.